Photo of a Group of Volunteers

PreK Program Volunteers

STSPreKHellertown Volunteers are always welcome with the proper clearances.

This page is provided to assist all adult and youth volunteers at St. Theresa Parish who are participating in Parish Programs involving children under the age of 18.  This page contains the latest Diocesan and Parish Volunteer Forms and Policy Statements that will need to be filled out and either printed and returned to the Parish Office or the Office of the Parish Director of Religious Education, or completed online in some cases.  If you have questions regarding the procedures for completing these forms you may call the Pre-School or Parish Office or the Office of the Director of Religious Education.   All staff who are applying for a position in the PreK Program must complete all required clearances prior to being considered for a position in the PreK Program.

Please note, all adult volunteers must also attend either online or in person the "Protecting Gods Children" training session in addition to completing all of the required forms below.

Youth over the age of 15 may participate as volunteers for younger children under Pennsylvania Law; however they must still obtain the required clearances if they wish to participate as volunteers.  Youth over the ages of 13 who wish to volunteer to assist adults only in the PreK Program or within the adult Programs of the Parish are not required to obtain clearances as long as they are supervised by other adults.