Photo Gallery of Student and Family Activities Students Celebrate St. Theresa Day Thank You Dewey Fire Company for teaching us fire safety Wouldn't it be great to be a fireman Teaching the PreK 4B class about fire safety Learning all about the fire truck Dewey Fire company teaching Prek 3 students fire safety Stopping to feed animals at the pumpkin patch farm Having fun on the hayride Hello from the Pumpkin Patch Trying to read the map at the pumpkin patch Fun in the Corn Crib Pumpkin Picking with Parents Prek3 class enjoying treats for Mary's Birthday Playground fun on new equipment First Day of School Photos First Day of School excitement Playground fun with new friends Bead Pattern Practice PreK 4B making handprint paintings PreK 3 students having treats for Mary's Birthday Prek 4A Celebrating Mary's Birthday PreK 3 Celebrating Mary's Birthday PreK 4B celebrating Mary's Birthday Class 4A 2023-2024 graduates Class 4B 2023-2024 Graduates